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Our team successfully took 30th place out of over 100 international teams in our first participation in the ‘DBF 2019 - Design, Build, and Fly Competition’ in the USA.

Arizona, USA

April 2019

Kontakt unter


What were the competition rules?

Sucessfull start on a 3mlong ramp with 5 degrees of inclination
Use folding wings
Length of max. 60cm (from the nose to the back wheel)
In folded state the model must pass through a 90cm by 60cm sized tunnel
Automatic liftoff-preparation by remote switch (unfolding and locking of wings)
No use of Lilon and LiPo batteries
Successfully passing the "Wingtip test" (meaning the plane must survive being suspended from the wing tips only)
Lift must be generated by the wings (denser than air)

What were the Missions? How were points awarded?

Ground mission (max. 1 point): The radar and payloads should be attached to the model as soon as possible. 

1. Flight mission (1 point): the plane should take of and fly one round of the track.

Flugmission (max. 2 Punkte): Ein Radar (in diesem Falle nur eine Attrappe) soll auf dem Modell platziert und während des Flugs an- sowie ausgeschaltet werden.

Flugmission (2 Punkte plus Anzahl der abgeworfenen Payloads): In einem 10-minütigen Flugfenster sollen so viele Payloads abgeworfen werden wie nur möglich. Es darf nur ein Payload pro Platzrunde abgeworfen werden. Diese sind unter der Tragfläche und dem Rumpf zu befestigen.

Additionally a design report must be submitted which can score up to 100 points.
The final score is calculates as: score = design report points * sum of all four mission points

Technical specifications

Empty weight: 9.000g
Development time: Okt. 2018 – Apr. 2019
Motors:2x Kontronik 650-65 Competition (zur Verfügung gestellt von Kontronik
Motor controller:2x Kolibri 140LV (zur Verfügung gestellt von Kontronik
Battery: 2x 16,8V 6600mAh NiMh
Max. thrust:16.000g
Special features:
folding wings wth linear actuators
Inverted V-tail
Short takeoff from 3m ramp


Do you have question regarding the project or want to join us? Send us an email and get in touch.
